Have a mojo bag made for you to attract what you want in life
A mojo bag, as it is commonly called in the American Southern states, is a traditional charm bag in the practice of Hoodoo and Conjure. It consists of one or more items believed to possess magical power for strength, protection, to enhance luck, draw love or money, or any other desired effect or outcome the owner wants to create.
Items that may be contained within a green velvet mojo bag may include alligator feet, coins, animal bones, herbs, roots, photos, fingernails, hair, teeth, slips of paper with a person’s name written on it (also known as a “name paper”) petitions, written words to conjure.
The green velvet bag can be tied with its own white pull strings used to close the bag, but many times additional thread is used to wrap the mojo to secure its closing. Sometimes additional charms are threaded onto this string before wrapping and tying it off,to enhance the power of the mojo bag.
The green velvet bag is then doused with whiskey, florida water, Holy water, or other perfumed waters and passed through the smoke of incense or a smudging stick of natural herbs to cleanse and bless it.
Lastly, the green velvet bag is set between two small candles on a plate or up against a large glass candle to be blessed and empowered by the light of the candle. It is then considered ready to use. or carry.
Purchase price listed is for the red flannel bag only. Additional items need to be purchased separately.
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