Close up detail for Spanish Moss texture
Lucky 13 Clover Spanish Moss is wildcraft harvested from trees in the Southern United States. This important ingredient is in all voodoo and hoodoo poppet doll work and has a magical folkloric history of its’ own.
Spanish Moss is not a moss, but a bromeliad in classification, and goes by the botanical name of Tillandsia usneoides, and is on the same family as the Pineapple. It is not from Spain but native to Mexico, Central America, South America, the U.S., and the Caribbean. In the U.S., it grows from Texas to Virginia, staying in the moister areas of the South. Its preferred habitat is a healthy tree in tropical swampland. Spanish Moss was given its name from French explorers to America. Native Americans cal the plant Itla-Okla, which meant “tree hair.” The French were reminded of the Spanish conquistadors’ long beards, so they called it Barbe Espagnole, or “Spanish Beard.” The Spaniards got back at them by calling the plant Cabello Francés, or “French Hair.” The French name won out, and in time was changed to Spanish Moss.
In magical terms, Spanish Moss is called by many names such as, Old Man’s Beard, Devil’s Beard, Old Man Moss, White Beard and Spanish Beard.
Spanish Moss is used to drape across the center of two crossed sticks in rudimentary poppet doll construction, or stuffed into felt or cloth dolls, to be sewn closed after the insertion of the intended victim’s personal effects such as a hair from their head, a nail clipping, cigarette butt, or other item that would contain their DNA.
Spanish Moss added to War Water is to be used against an enemy.
Lucky 13 Clover Spanish Moss is in a generous 4 X 6 inch bag enough for a larger voodoo/hoodoo doll or two small poppet doll babies.
Please note: The legend, lore and usage of each product listed for sale at Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is listed on each page. Please visit our site and educate yourself in the products before ordering as we do not give free product consultations over the phone.