Lucky 13 Clover | Silver Mercury Dimes for Hoodoo, Conjure

Silver Mercury Dime for Hoodoo

Silver dimes, minted between 1916 and 1945, have the image of Liberty wearing a winged cap. This image was thought to be Mercury, the Roman God of Communication, and the discovery of Liberty was too late before these dimes were called “Mercury Dimes”, thus the legend remains. In conjure and hoodoo, silver Mercury dimes are […]

Lucky 13 Clover | Shipping in the United States and Worldwide

* SHIPPING ORDERS WITHIN UNITED STATES * * For any and all orders within the Continental United States, Lucky 13 Clover ships using Priority Mail with the United States Post Office. All orders can be tracked with Delivery Confirmation online and we do not ask for a signature of receipt.  The shipping is built right […]

Lucky 13 Clover | 9 Black Walnut Cut and Clear Spell Kit

Lucky 13 Clover English Walnuts for Spell

If you have suffered through a break up and it is truly over between you and him or her, it is time to do a 9 Black Walnut Cut and Clear Spell from Lucky 13 Clover to rid yourself of any lingering effects of the other persons essences and influence. This time honored Southern traditional […]

Lucky 13 Clover | “Lucky” Green Rice Money Drawing Floor Sweep

"Lucky" Green Rice Money Drawing Floor Sweep

Lucky 13 Clover “Lucky” Green Rice Money Drawing Floor Sweep is a traditional hoodoo and conjure staple user for attracting Good Luck for matters of money drawing into a home or business. This rice, tinted green and infused with herbs, actual shredded greenback dollars and other traditional Southern ingredients allegedly held to have money drawing […]

Lucky 13 Clover | “30 Days to Prosperity – A Candle Vigil Guide” by Rev. Jacqueline Mathers

Lucky 13 Clover is proud to announce “30 Days to Prosperity – A Candle Vigil Guide” by Rev. Sister Jacqueline Mathers in their selections of spiritual books. This spiritual book, based on a 30 day candle vigil performed twice a year by Rev. Jacqueline Mathers, gives you a day-by-day walk to using burning candles on […]

Lucky 13 Clover | Custom Made Mojo Bags

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is proud to announce that they now can provide a service of custom made mojo bags for you and your particular situation. Your Lucky 13 Clover mojo bag creation service will begin with a 30 minute consultation, then creation of a mojo bag personal to you. Unlike other pre-packaged, store […]

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Red Brick Dust “Reddening”

  Lucky 13 Clover offers you Red Brick Dust to protect your home and business from those who want to do your harm. Red Brick Dust, also known throughout the Southern United States as “reddening” or “red dust”, is used for protection and to increase business when used in a floor scrub or wash. Traditionally, […]

Lucky 13 Clover | Spiritual Bathing Bars

  Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Co. is proud to announce their line of Spiritual Bathing Bar for you to start the day or finish the evening with the magical essences of herbs, spices and roots blended to surround you with positive situations or chase off negative energies. These fine bathing bars are designed for […]

Lucky 13 Clover | Saint Jude Pink Love Come to Me Candle

Lucky 13 Clover is the exclusive carrier of the St. Jude Pink Love Come to Me candle and candle kit. Saint Jude, Catholic Patron Saint of Impossible Cases, is also known as San Judas Tadeo in Latin countries. The feast day of Saint Jude is October 28th and a Mass in his honor is said […]